Scoliosis: Symptoms and Treatments
A sideways curvature of the spine, scoliosis typically develops during the growth spurt that occurs just before a child reaches puberty. What causes scoliosis? The cause of many cases of scoliosis is unknown, but the condition appears to be related to genetics.
Does Surgery for Disc Herniation End NFL Careers?
The game of professional football is a rough and tough sport, and many of the players experience career ending injuries. Recent studies done by Wellington K. Hsu, MD, have reported that these professional football athletes who have undergone surgery to
All About VAX-D Spinal Decompression Therapy
Vertical axial decompression (VAX-D) is a non-invasive and non-surgical traction-type form of therapy for lower back pain. VAX-D treatments stretch and then relax specific parts of the lower back to treat and relieve many different forms of lower back pain. Spinal
Light and Heat Therapy for Back Pain
Back pain, especially chronic back pain, can be among the most debilitating and life changing pain possible. It has the ability to affect the way that people live their lives and make things like working and walking more difficult. Many
Good Posture Tips
Good posture can help you to look more confident, feel more comfortable, and have less neck and back problems. It is an important aspect for individuals who do manual labor and spend a large portion of the day on their
Everyday Habits That Could Be Hurting Your Back
Back pain can be detrimental and can affect the way that you perform everyday activities. It can negatively affect your home life, your work life, and your social life. While back pain is sometimes caused by conditions and diseases, it
Spinal Stenosis: An Overview
Spinal stenosis is a condition characterized by the narrowing of open spaces in your spine. This condition cases your spinal cord to become pinched in between your vertebrae. The pain that results most commonly affects the neck and the back. What
Is My Pain Caused By A Back Condition?
Back conditions can cause a large variety of problems. They not only affect the back and the way the back works, but they affect various other parts of the body. For example, different back conditions can affect the legs, the
Chiropractic Care VS. Other Relief Methods
Chiropractic care is a popular yet controversial alternative medicine choice. Its controversy often comes from those who do not understand the science behind it or its benefits. Performed by a trained and experienced medical professional, chiropractic care relieves ailments caused by
Bulging Disc Treatments
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Do you have pain in your back, hips, legs, or arms? Bulging discs are very common and can cause pain in several areas of your body. At South County Spine Care Center, we offer thorough consultations and effective bulging disc