Back conditions can cause a large variety of problems. They not only affect the back and the way the back works, but they affect various other parts of the body. For example, different back conditions can affect the legs, the midsection, and the upper body in addition to the back. Additionally, there are many symptoms that are associated with various back conditions while not appearing to physically affect the back at all. Talking to your doctor about the pain you are experiencing is a good way to rule out potential back conditions.
Leg Pain
Many individuals report experiencing leg pain, leg numbness, leg tingling, and leg weakness. While these symptoms could stem from a variety of different issues, they can sometimes be associated with back problems. The lower back, along with the sciatic area and the buttocks, often affects the legs and feet. The most common causes for leg pain as a result of a back issue are pinched nerves, slipped discs, and strained back muscles.
Midsection Pain
Back pain commonly radiates to the front midsection of the body. The type of pain is usually the result of overexerted back muscles caused by putting too much stress on the area. Overweight individuals are at an increased risk of experiencing this type of pain, since the extra weight can contribute to sore muscles.
Upper Body
The back extends from the top of the buttocks all the way up to the base of the neck and is made up of multiple nerves, muscles, and joints. This leaves a large area that can be vulnerable to pain. Sore shoulders, numb hands, and stiff arms can all be a result of a back problem. The most common cause of arm, hand, and shoulder pain related to back issues is keeping the back in one position for too long. Individuals with repetitive jobs, like painters, or those who sit still for long periods of time can experience strain on the back that is actually felt in the limbs.
Pain throughout the body and in different places can be a sign of a back issue, but it can also be a result of something much more serious. Having it looked at by a doctor is the only way to make sure that there is not a more serious problem.