Vertical axial decompression (VAX-D) is a non-invasive and non-surgical traction-type form of therapy for lower back pain. VAX-D treatments stretch and then relax specific parts of the lower back to treat and relieve many different forms of lower back pain.
Spinal Mechanics
The spinal column consists of 24 bones that are referred to as vertebrae. It’s the main structural component of the body. In between these bones are cushions called discs, which are made of a cartilage like composition with a substance similar to jelly inside. These discs can become displaced, or they can herniate. Disc displacement and/or herniation can put pressure on spinal nerves, resulting in very painful and debilitating lower back pain.
VAX-D Mechanics
With VAX-D therapy, the upper body is gently restrained while a harness is secured to the patient’s hips. The patient then lies face down on a divided table, with arms extended forward, holding onto two grips. The table separates and gently stretches the patient at intervals of about 60 seconds. Although the therapy treatment is not painful, the patient can simply release the grips if they want it to stop at any time.
With VAX-D spinal decompression therapy, the spinal compression that results in lower back pain is relieved, and so is the pain.
Success of VAX-D
Although it’s not the perfect option for every patient, several VAX-D treatments have been remarkably successful with the patients using the device. The first study of the efficacy of the device was in Canada and demonstrated a minimum of a 50 percent reduction in pain and disability in 66 percent of the people participating in the study. A later Texas study showed lower back pain to be in remission with 71 percent of those participating. In fact, affected discs were returning to – or had returned to – their original and correct positions.
Unfortunately, there are cases where back surgery is the only option. VAX-D was never intended to eliminate surgery. Instead, it is a conservative but remarkably successful method of treatment. Its costs are exponentially lower than surgery, and suitable candidates won’t want to rule out VAX-D spinal decompression therapy for crippling back pain.