At our center, we make it our focus to avoid invasive surgical procedures that can often cause even more pain than before. Invasive back pain treatments also include a lot of downtime, which means increased pain, longer recovery, and missing out on work and other activities. The physicians at South County Spine Care Center are committed to offering back pain treatments that won’t put you out of commission for an extended period of time. Instead, you can experience your back pain being alleviated while still being able to do all of the things that you enjoy and without experiencing further pain and discomfort brought on by your treatment.
What are some potential causes of spinal pain?
Your spine is connected to tons of nerves, joints, and muscles. As a result, spinal pain can occur because of several different things. Back pain does not discriminate based on age, sex, or occupation. Some of the most common causes of spinal pain include:

- Excessive strain – Individuals who put a lot of strain on their backs are more likely to suffer from spinal pain. This can include individuals who are overweight and those who work in occupations with a lot of back strain.
- Certain conditions – Arthritis, sciatica, scoliosis, and spinal stenosis, along with several other conditions, can all lead to spinal pain.
- Injuries – After an accident, injuries such as whiplash can be a source of spinal pain.
- Poor posture – Consistent poor posture, or even just staying in one position for a long period of time, can result in daily spinal pain.
If you are unsure what is causing your spinal pain, talk to one of the professionals at our spine institute in Orange, CA.